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Breast Massage : During & After PregnancySeptember 16, 2020

 Breast massage is a known but neglected practice. The benefits of this are not only limited to sexual stimulation but one's overall well-being. Many women miss out on the right kind of breast care during pregnancy. Your breasts, like your baby bump, are undergoing a lot of changes to prepare for the lactation phase and to respond to the hormonal changes happening during pregnancy. Soreness, pain, leaky breasts are just a few of the annoying things that happen to your breasts during pregnancy.

Many believe that breast massage during pregnancy can help ease these annoying symptoms. I was also advised by many elders in the family to continue with breast massages during pregnancy to improve milk production and keep them in shape. Even my gynecologist said that if it doesn’t hurt and comforts me, the massages might be beneficial.

Women can orgasm for many reasons, and one of them happens to be from breast and nipple stimulationThere are various ways to go about breast massage, the most common and effective one being Taoist Breast Massage, a technique that is easy and can be done on your own if you are not comfortable with someone else touching your lady part. This massage practice requires warm-hand-circulation on your breasts. Warm your hands by rubbing them with or without oil. Now, gradually rub them in circles around your breast. This should be done in an upward and outward movement.

The circuit of this massage should be breasts going towards your face and then towards the outline of your breasts. Maintain light pressure otherwise, it can lead to pain. Do this for 36 repetitions in both directions, upward and downward. Breast massage can help increase blood circulation in this fat-storing tissue. Due to massage, a breast enlarging hormone, prolactin, is also secreted. You can opt for either an essential oil like lavender for this massage or even warm coconut oil can lead to a change in size.

Once you start massaging your breasts, you also increase its sensitivity. This is simply because massaging makes you more aware of touch and how it can positively affect your brain. This can often lead to better orgasms. If you are struggling with sagging breasts, massaging can do the trick for you. This can help tone up the tissues in your breast and lead to firmer breasts. The love hormone, oxytocin, is released when breast massage is done on a regular basis. This helps in alleviating stress and depression and can also lead to the feeling of being happy. Once you are internally happy due to the secretion of hormones such as oxytocin, prolactin, and estrogen, it can directly lead to anti-aging effects. These three hormones are powerful in their anti-aging properties and hence, make you look and feel younger.

Every woman experiences breast changes differently and would need to care for them differently. Some experience dryness and rashes under the folds of the skin and might need to slather a heavy moisturizer. Some might face soreness, pain and leaky breasts were even touching the sensitive organ could mean a problem, let alone massage. During pregnancy, a rush of hormones circulates throughout the body, causing emotional and physical changes. This increased hormonal production can cause swelling in the breasts, and, subsequently, discomfort, tingling, soreness and sensitivity. Massage that focuses on the breasts can reduce these symptoms and make the expectant mother more comfortable.There is no documentation to know if breast massages can cause any harm during pregnancy. So, if you want to massage your breasts during pregnancy to relieve pain or just for relaxation / Self-pleasure, keep these points in mind:

  • Don t put too much pressure on them.
  • Use just the tip of your finger to massage your breasts.
  • If you feel pain during massaging stop doing it immediately.
  • Try not to massage the nipple or put any pressure on them; it could lead to nipple stimulation and early labour too.
  • Be cautious if you continue to massage your breasts during the last trimester or the last days before labour, lest you want is to deal with preterm labour.


Apart from relieving symptoms of pain and discomfort, breast massage during labour can help initiate vaginal delivery (Yet to be proved scientifically). There are studies that say breast stimulation in low-risk pregnancies helps in cervical ripening and increases the chances of vaginal delivery. Lactation experts are also of the opinion that breast massages during pregnancy help in milk production and to an extent keep the breasts in shape. In fact, post-delivery breast massages can be more helpful in easing aches and pains during breastfeeding.

While breast massage during pregnancy can be important, it becomes almost crucial in some cases after the baby is born. Women who breastfeed may experience significant discomfort, swelling, throbbing, pain, hard or lumpy breasts, and swollen lymph nodes in their armpits. In more severe cases, the new mom might have a slightly elevated temperature.

These symptoms occur because of increased milk production and usually happen within the first few weeks of breastfeeding. The initial product, colostrum, becomes milk, forcing cells in the breast to expand. Once the milk ducts are cleared, milk will begin to flow freely, emptying the breast and triggering more milk production–a good thing for the baby.

Here again, massage can help the woman move past this uncomfortable stage and begin to enjoy her new baby. For post-delivery issues, you would begin breast massage by pumping the lymph glands in the armpit. This will encourage blood and toxins to start moving. Be sure to use a gentle rubbing or squeezing motion to get the blood flowing, but don’t press too hard. If you prefer to use a product, choose something natural like olive oil. When the breast feels warm, it’s a good indicator the fluids inside are flowing. Breast massage can be done daily to relieve symptoms.

Not only does breast massage help to reduce uncomfortable sensations during pregnancy and in the early stages of breastfeeding, but it also helps when breasts are engorged, which can happen at any time when the milk-producing cells are full.

We at, My Womb Maternity Care, includes breast massage in the postpartum massage. As it is been mentioned, it not only improves milk production but increases blood circulation and hence the mother feels more relaxed. Our After pregnancy care or Post Delivery care is available in Cochin. Ernakulam, Kaloor, Kakanad, Edapally, Aluva, Thripunithura, and all other  urban parts of Kerala, India. Celebrate your motherhood with My Womb Maternity Care,



Aleena Shiju